Tuesday, October 13, 2009

*Sigh* Me and My Gemini Mind...

Once again I am slowed down by my lack of ability to make decisions...a typical Gemini trait. I can't decide on how I want the new site to look. I can't decide on how I want my blog to look. Should they match? What will MASHULU's signature colors be? Should the colors be bright and fun or moody and modern? Does MASHULU need signature colors? Which bags will I debut first? Maybe I should make one of each? Will folks be turned off to know I have a hard time making decisions?

All of this is well and good...but my Etsy shop is still EMPTY! The good news is that the one bag I did have in there was sold at Eklectik Funk Boutique! I do have three bags fully cut that I can't wait to stitch up, so that's a plus. I want to give myself a deadline, but I have a bad habit of breaking promises to myself...I know I plan to be back in action by the end of the month...which is getting pretty close.

In the end I hope that you will see that all I go through in my head is worth it, lol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your blog looks beautiful!